About Mail Art

Mail art is a worldwide cultural movement that began in the early 1960s and involves sending visual art (but also music, sound art, poetry, etc.) through the international postal system. Mail Art is also known as Postal Art or Correspondence Art. The term networking is often used to describe Mail Art activities, based on the principles of barter and equal one-to-one collaboration.

After a peak in popularity in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Mail Art phenomenon has gradually migrated to the Internet, whose “social networks” were largely anticipated and predicted by the interactive processes of postal collaborations. Nevertheless, Mail Art is still practiced in the new Millennium by a loose planetary community involving thousands of mailartists from the most varied backgrounds.

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To Connie Rose - Fortuna CA, USA

To Dias Prabu - East Java, INDONESIA

To Wagner Michel - Saint Jean de Braye, FRANCE

To Theodoros Lalos - Thessaloniki, GREECE

To Sara Grob - Flawil, SWITZERLAND

To Reanna Day - Ipswich Suffolk, UNITED KINGDOM

To Mariano Filippetta - Frosinone, ITALY

Tp Lisa Ananina - Saint Petersbourg, RUSSIA

To Lea Swenson - Denver CO, USA

To Joaquim Lourenco - Lisboa, PORTUGAL

To Jill Eudali - Renfren PA, USA

To Irene Vuolo - Milano, ITALY

To Gilberte Vermeulen - Antwerpen, BELGIUM

To Eraser Heed - Gothenburg, SWEDEN.

To Dan Pliskow - Royal Oak MI, USA

To Claudia Garcia - Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

To Carl Baker - Peterborough, CANADA